About Jingshu


I’m Dr. Jingshu Zhu, or you can call me Jess.

In essence, I’m an animal that thrives on movement, humor, and love. I love to play with other animals, especially my partner and son, from whom I learned so much about how to be safe, happy, and goofy.

I’m also an inconvenient truth-teller, like the child who pointed out that the emperor is not wearing clothes. I say things people don’t feel comfortable talking about, yet are often the key to the puzzle.

I’m an existential kinkster, I feast on life’s ups and downs, and when things become really hard… I know some part of me is having an orgasm out of that painful situation.

I used to be a good girl, though, and a rat-on-wheel kind of high achiever.

I was a lawyer back in China; I got a Doctorate degree in Law and Anthropology; I founded the first authentic relating platform in China called Circling China; I ran two successful podcasts with more than 10 million views.

Yet these achievements never filled the emptiness in me.

Actually, the more I achieved, the more I felt like an imposter (it’s not a feeling by the way, it’s layers and layers of suppressed feelings, limiting beliefs, stuck energies, and other fun stuff in our mind and body).

Luckily, when I discovered that what resides in me, besides that achiever, is also a jester, a brat, an animal, a magician, and a sacred slut, I uncovered my superpowers.

I play
I love
I inspire

Now I’m bringing these superpowers to the individuals and teams I coach. Seeing people smile with relief, nothing can be more satisfying.

Well, maybe except for:

  • Freestyle rapping as my personal way of meditating;
  • Foot bath;
  • r/ Human tippy taps;
  • Drawing with my son’s crayons;
  • Farting in front of loved ones;
  • Cuddles, sex, and more cuddles.

You may wonder:

What’s your qualifications and background?

My doctoral training was in law and anthropology. That made me very good at asking heart-opening questions with an unprejudiced mind. And I knew from the ethnographic fieldwork that I’ll never understand someone if I come from a condescending place. I’m open to being challenged, being humbled, and changing my mind.

I am also a certified Circling facilitator and a trainer. The skills I cultivated from Circling have laid the foundation for all other therapeutic/ coaching work I do: being present, observant, compassionate, curious, honest, courageous, and acknowledging it when I don’t know. Following what’s alive, I oftentimes get to see one’s patterns and blindspots very quickly.

I’ve always been fascinated by the invisible “field” in our family system and in teams. So I got trained in Inherited Family Trauma Therapy, and in Systemic Work for Organizations.

I use a lot of parts work in my sessions, which is inspired by Internal Family System Therapy but more intuitive.

I have practiced for years Orthobionomy – body’s self-healing technique – on myself and with my clients.

Moreover, the insights I gain from ordinary life are as valuable as these official learning, if not more:

  • The morning stillness.
  • The recurring dreams.
  • The rupture and repair processes with my loved ones.
  • The big emotions of my toddler that got melted in my arms…

Honestly, though, I don’t know which knowledge or skill I’m gonna use with you.

At the end of the day, YOU are the source of your own healing.
And it will be my honor to be your witness.